
I can’t stop wearing my Opening Ceremony jacket with everything!  Super warm and looks great thrown over anything.  Decided to dress it up a little bit with this chain belt and a lot of black.

(Opening Ceremony varsity jacket, Topshop sweater, Reformation skirt, Luv AJ x Stone Cold Fox belt, Rag&Bone boots, Tom Ford sunglasses)


ahoy ahoy3 ahoy1

I always feel so awkward wearing hats but I can’t deny that they are the ultimate weapon in covering up a horrid bedhead.  I woke up on this particular morning and the back of my head was a rat’s nest (don’t ever go to sleep with wet hair).  Perfect time to whip out my new hat that I bought a couple of months back.  I was so inspired by Gucci’s Pre-Fall collection and had to own a leather newsboy cap.  This version may not be the leather cap I seek but for someone who doesn’t wear hats often, good enough.

Word of advice, don’t wear hats anywhere near your guy friends + alcohol!  When they’ve drunk enough, that hat will be the hot item of the table.  They will be giggling and trying to stick their big heads into your cute little hat.  Boys. -_-

(Urban Outfitters hat, Free People dress, Opening Ceremony boots)

L is for …

lisfor lisfor2 lisfor3 lisfor4 lisfo1Super ecstatic that I found an L sweater to represent my name. I love the varsity shirts and sweaters that are getting so popular but can never relate with the letters or numbers on them. The years never match up to anything of importance to me and same goes for numbers too. I would have settled with random letters but then I saw this sweater and then it was problem solved.

P.S. Beware of playing on tree branches. Ant colonies seem to favor them.

(ASOS sweater, Pixie Market top, Zara jeans, Opening Ceremony sneaker, Incaze bracelet)